what is vietnam single entry visa

Over the past twenty years, Vietnam has become a popular tourist and commercial site in South-East Asia. Vietnam is an excellent vacation spot, brimming with culture, variety, beautiful scenery, and the opportunity to meet folks from all over the world. Vietnam houses several activities for anyone and everyone. Anyone that comes to Vietnam will undoubtedly end up finding an interest in nature.
Visitors can take a quiet vacation at one of Vietnam's numerous stunning resorts or embark on a backpacking trip across its towns and cities. Hanoi, Saigon, Hue, and Hoi are among the most prominent tourist spots in Vietnam, which attract millions of tourists annually. It is advised to stay away from Vietnam in the summertime months of July and August when temperatures are at their highest if you don't like the country's extremely humid atmosphere.
It is advised to travel there between December and February because the weather is gentler and there is less rain then. However, most foreign citizens must obtain a Vietnamese visa before travelling to Vietnam as local officials do not permit visitors to board aircraft.
What kinds of visas are offered to travellers?
Generally speaking, there are a variety of visas available for Vietnam based on why you're travelling there. Tourist visas and business visas are the two that are most frequently used by short-term international visitors.
Vietnam Visa for Travelers
For those who desire to travel to Vietnam, this visa is appropriate. For single or multiple admissions, the maximum stay is 30 or 90 days, respectively. You must obtain a tourist visa before departing if you intend to experience the lovely nation of Vietnam.
How does a single entry visa work?
One entry is permitted per single-entry visa into the nation. To be able to return after leaving its borders, you must apply for a new visa. If a country offers numerous types of visas, the single-entry visa is typically more affordable and easier to obtain. For the majority of trips and vacations, this is sufficient.
Vietnam single entry tourist visa
- Vietnam provides its visitors with the provision of applying for a single entry tourist visa. These visas are namely a 30-day single entry visa and a 90-day single entry visa.
- The 30-day single entry visa grants you the permission of staying in Vietnam for a period of 30-days upon a single entry same goes with the 90-day single entry visa but as a discerning factor, this visa grants a 90-day allowance to stay within the country’s boundaries.
- With the most visa approvals, Evisavietnams is the finest Vietnam E Visa service, provider. Utilize the quickest and easiest visa application process to get a Vietnam visa and start exploring this stunning country. Evisaviestnams will help you with all your Vietnam visa-related queries and promises to make your visa available to you within 3 to 4 working days.
How to apply for a Vietnamese single entry visa?
You can most certainly approach Evisavietnams for all your Vietnam visa doubts, besides this, you can also apply for a Vietnam visa from here. Follow these basic sets enumerated below and possess your very own Vietnam visa today.
- Once you have successfully accessed the website, fill in your citizenship and nationality details from the given drop-down menus.
- Upon the completion of the above-mentioned step, you are required to select the type of Vietnam visa that best suits your visit purpose and duration.
- An application form will be presented to you, make sure you fill in all the information with accuracy. Any mistakes made will reflect in your visa and might cause issues further.
- Once the form is completed, submit the required documents.
- After all these steps are completed, you are required to pay the fee. This can be achieved via Paypal, debit, or credit card.
- Once we have received the payment on our end, immediately a confirmation mail will be sent out to you.
- The confirmation mail encapsulates your application ID. With the help of this ID, you can track the status of your visa and download it once it is released.
What are the documents necessary to be submitted?
Processing of a Vietnam visa requires candidates to submit certain documents. The documents mentioned below must be kept in handy before applying for a visa, note the same:
- A passport of the nation you are a citizen of, with a minimum validity of 6 months remaining and 4 blank pages.
- A coloured passport-sized photograph of the applicant must be submitted.
- If you are a traveller that will reside in a hotel upon arrival in Vietnam, you are required to present proof of your hotel reservations. In case you reside at someone’s abode, you must submit their Vietnam IDs.
- On the chance that you have already made your flight bookings, you must present your flight tickets at the time of applying for a visa albeit it is best recommended that you book your flight only after your visa has been sanctioned.
Everyone should put travelling to Vietnam at the top of their list. It's that easy. Vietnam will captivate you from all sides with its stunning scenery, intriguing history, delectable cuisine, and throbbing energy. The inhabitants of this nation are kind, considerate, hardworking, upbeat, and compassionate, so if you visit, seize every privilege of meeting them. Vietnam is simultaneously chaotic and peaceful, exhilarating and soothing. There are countless reasons to board a plane to Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City and then go either down or up this incredible country via a bus, motorbike, rail, or aeroplane. Fulfil all your Vietnam interests by obtaining a visa from Evisavietnams today.
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