dos and donts while staying in vietnam

Vietnam is a great country and generates major of its revenue from tourism every year millions of tourists visit Vietnam to enjoy vacations. The best time to visit Vietnam is the winter and spring season. There are many lovely cities in Vietnam that you can visit to fully enjoy your vacation. It is a fantastic location to travel to with your family. The nightlife in this city is fantastic. You can get a Vietnam visa as you just have to visit E visa Vietnams and apply for the Vietnam e-visa. While you apply for the visa, we can here read about the do’s and don'ts while staying in Vietnam.
Do’s While Staying In Vietnam
Always Dress Appropriately
Vietnamese are very conservative about their dressing style and they dress very conservatively. Especially while visiting any religious places, you should strictly avoid wearing skimpy clothes as it looks disrespectful. Talking about the major cities, you can wear clothes of your own choice but in small cities, while going out for regular shopping in public, even shorts are not allowed.
Always Watch Out For Thieves
It is advised and recommended to not wear expensive jewelry in public. There are too many snatching cases in Vietnam and thus you should always look after your luggage and other stuff that you are carrying. Even while traveling in any kind of public transport or crowded places, try to keep your phone in your hand and then keep it in your side pockets.
Always Keep A Stay Card
As a traveler in Vietnam, you should always keep a hotel card in which you are staying or your hotel’s accurate address saved on your device because without it you can get into some serious trouble. The reason is that most of the cab drivers and the public in Vietnam don’t speak English and many addresses in Vietnam sound similar. You need to give the accurate address to the drivers to get to the right place. Without the correct address, you might end up at some different place miles away from your stay.
Always Keep Yourself Hydrated
Vietnam is a hot country and especially at the time of summer, heat can knock you down anytime and you won’t get a chance to understand what happened. What’s the best thing to avoid this? Well, here the best and the only solution is the water. It is important to keep yourself hydrated all the time and for that, it is necessary to consume at least 6-7 liters of water per day, especially in summers.
Always Bargain
Never feel shy to bargain in the local markets as it can save you a lot of money, maybe you can buy groceries for the next day with your today’s saved amount. In local markets, shop owners try to fool foreigners by putting high prices on goods but you can bargain until you feel ok.
Always Try The Local Street Food
Unquestionably, Vietnamese cuisine is among the greatest in the world. However, as most food stands lack spoons and knives, learn how to use chopsticks effectively. In Vietnam, keeping your chopsticks upright in your bowl of rice is frowned upon and is considered unlucky.
Don'ts While Staying In Vietnam
Don’t Click Pictures Without Permission
Despite being as kind and welcoming as they possibly can, Vietnamese people don't particularly like having their photographs taken. Always remember to get someone's consent before taking their photo, especially in the UNESCO-designated Hoi An Town where there may be a fee involved. Avoid taking any photos in military locations since doing so is illegal and might land you in jail, according to the authorities.
Don’t Show Affection In Public
Compared to the ordinary Westerner, Asians are far more reserved and cautious. That is why it is discouraged in the majority of Asian nations, including Vietnam, to publicly exhibit romantic affection. Except when you're in a private place, refrain from smothering your lover in kisses and embraces. Anything other than holding hands in public is strongly discouraged and regarded as disrespectful.
Don’t Be Too Loud
When you are in a pagoda, temple, or church, you are required to show respect by remaining silent. You may try walking around in silence or placing your hands together as the locals do to pray. Most visitors to these kinds of locations want tranquillity.
Don’t Wear Shoes Inside House
Vietnamese don’t wear shoes inside their houses and while visiting a local’s house, you can never walk in with your shoes on. Watch the owner do it or scan the area to see if there are any shoe racks. You'll often leave your shoes at the entryway.
Is Vietnam A Safe Country?
Yes, Vietnam is overall a safe country and all the tourists feel safe traveling in Vietnam. The main reason behind this is that the major earnings of Vietnam come from the tourism sector and thus the safety of tourists is the very first concern of the country. Talking about Women travelers, they also feel quite safe in the country.
This article was about the Do’s and Don't while staying in Vietnam and has all the related information about it. Vietnam is a great place and through our website, E visa Vietnams and apply for your Vietnam e-visa. We also provide visa tracking so you know when your visa will be delivered. Vietnam’s traditional and street food is very famous and it is advised that every visitor should try it. You can visit Vietnam anytime except in the summer.
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